Customer Safety

Keep your data safe,
from start to finish

Learn how our GDPR-aligned platform sources accurate data and sets limits on your automations, ensuring your accounts aren't penalized for using a third-party application. Keep your data safe and tackle your projects with peace of mind.

Understand how we source data
Keep your accounts safe
Stay GDPR compliant
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We keep your data secure,
every step of the way

Data collection

Where do we source data?

Collect B2B data from publicly available web sources, securely
Our platform is designed to ensure that the data you extract is sourced from trustworthy public sources.
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Native Integration with Trusted Third-Party Data Providers: Captain Data is natively integrated with over 30+ B2B data providers, like Google, LinkedIn, and ZoomInfo.This means that you can rest assured that the data you are extracting is coming from reliable sources.
Customizable Data Extraction Rules:
You can customize your data extraction rules to ensure that only the data that is relevant to your business is collected. Stay in control over your data processes, at all times.
Reduced Risk of Misleading or Inaccurate Data: By avoiding unreliable or questionable sources, CaptainData helps minimize the risk of sourcing misleading or inaccurate data that clogs your CRM and slows you down.
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Get the data that'll let your sales team win more deals

Trusted data, straight from the source
Unlike many data providers, Captain Data works in real time. That means we collect information from the original source, when you want it.
We collect data directly from the requested source, which means we don't rely on pre-built databases.
Our data comes to you formatted and fully standardized, regardless its source, giving you consistent data structure and quality by design.
Our platform provides live and on-demand data, allowing you to capture the latest and freshest business insights.
Data protection

How do we keep your accounts safe?

Automate safely with Captain Data's Smart Account Limits
When syncing any of your accounts (LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.), Captain Data's platform automatically applies daily limits to ensure your account isn't flagged or penalized for using third-party applications.
Data compliance

Is Captain Data GDPR compliant?

Data privacy and security are our #1 priority
As a data processor, all of the data sourced on Captain Data's platform comes from third-party applications. We work hard to ensure that every native available integration is GDPR compliant, so no matter what service you're using to find high quality prospects or enrich your external CRM, you're doing it securely and legally.
Data Transparency: Captain Data is committed to providing full transparency regarding the handling of data on our platform. For more information our data practices, please see our Privacy Policy and our Data Processing Agreement.

Ready to turn web data into your competitive advantage?

We cover the entire value chain from data extraction, enrichment and integration into your stack.
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