Revenue Operations

Empower your revenue operations team with real-time intent data

Captain Data empowers Revenue Operations teams by supercharging your sales stack with Captain Data APIs, driving efficiency, and revenue growth. Fuel your success with real-time, accurate intent data.

Drive revenue growth and operational efficiency
Empower your customer facing teams' productivity
Gain a competitive edge with fresh and accurate intent data
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Power-up your team’s performance

Managing revenue operations can be a nightmare without the right data and processes: Captain Data offers what you need to scale your web data operations and align Sales, Product or Marketing teams towards your desired revenue goals.

Get The Right Data For Your Team

Get real-time leads intents and buyers profiles from your team's favorite websites

Free up your team to focus on their core activity: selling!
Imagine thousands of data sources within a single and unified model you can plug to build the process and lead database your sales need to close more deals.
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Access an ecosystem of 30 web and 3rd-party data providers to extract the data your sales need in real-time and at scale.
Access behavioral, scattered, complex signals ready for your code.
Don’t waste time on old database, source fresh and accurate data directly from the input Sales Navigator, LinkedIn, Google and much more.
Build Scalable Processes

Scale your revenue operations with experts by your side to make API integration a breeze

Deliver your data at scale
Scale fast without waiting weeks to get the data you need and avoid engineering bottlenecks or dependence.
Access any web and 3rd-party data providers without having to buy a license using our bundled credits, save time and cost.
Enrich large volumes of data at scale, from thousands to millions.
Infuse your home-made engines with our intent data APIs.
Smart Builders Build Faster With Captain Data

Build your sales engine faster

For smart builders who need to go faster
Put your revenue operations back in charge by building a Sales Engine within your own sales stack in no time. With no coding expertise required and the help of our experts, you'll ensure your sales and marketing performance improves with the right data at the right time.
Scalable: Handles massive volumes of data and transactions daily.
Fast: Instant data response with 99.9% uptime.
Smart: Pre-coded intent workflows for easy integration.
Stable: The most reliable LinkedIn Data API available.

Ready to turn web data into your competitive advantage?

We cover the entire value chain from data extraction, enrichment and integration into your stack.
Let's talk
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