Enrich leads based on its name or company with verified B2B email addresses, phone numbers, social media profiles and more using a recipe of Google, LinkedIn and Email Waterfall.
Streamline your lead enrichment process with automation.
Enrich leads with up-to-date, accurate information.
Use enriched data to increase your conversion rates.
Turn your messy guess-work into creative experiments that you can scale. Captain Data helps you build, iterate and execute meaningful campaigns to generate more ICP leads and grow faster.
Automatically search Google for people and companies using their names as input.
Source all the useful information about leads from their LinkedIn profile: companies, phone, email, job title, skills and more.
Based on the list of company names as input, source valuable information from their LinkedIn company page: company growth, products and services sold, employees, location, website, etc.
Based on the people and companies, Captain Data waterfall enrichment let you combine multiple email finders to increase your chance of finding verified B2B emails for each of your leads.
Orchestrate data extraction and enrichment from web sources in auto-pilot and without interruption.
Why build it yourself when you can get results in 30 seconds: we’ve got the best data quality & coverage available on the market, period.